Berita Sisindokom

Sisindokom Raih Penghargaan ?Cisco-Technology Excellence: Mass Scale Infrastructure Partner of the Year?

Sisindokom telah bekerja sama dengan Cisco sejak tahun 2009. Melalui kerjasama ini, Sisiindokom terus berupaya meningkatkan kolaborasi digital untuk memberikan solusi ICT (Information Communication Technology) yang tepat bagi pelanggan.

Kami merasa terhormat Sisindokom mendapatkan penghargaan “Cisco-Technology Excellence: Mass Scale Infrastructure Partner of the Year 2021.” Penghargaan ini sebagai wujud komitmen Sisiindokom untuk meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan kepada pelanggan.

Untuk itu Sisindokom akan terus berinovasi dan meningkatkan nilai kerjasama baik dengan prinsipal maupun pelanggan.

Sisindokom News

Sisindokom Has Been Awarded “Cisco-Technology Excellence: Mass Scale Infrastructure Partner of the Year”

Sisindokom has been working with Cisco since 2009. Through this partnership, Sisindokom continuously strive to improve digital collaboration to provide the right ICT (Information Communication Technology) solution for customers.

We are honoured that Sisindokom has been awarded “Cisco-Technology Excellence: Mass Scale Infrastructure Partner of the Year 2021.” This award as manifestation of Sisindokom’s commitment to improve the quality of service to customers.

As a results Sisindokom will continue to innovate and increase the value of collaboration both with principals and customers.